No matter how old you are, it’s always the right time to continue acquiring new knowledge and skills. Universities of the Third Age in Europe provide an opportunity for people to expand their horizons and remain mentally active.
In Europe, education for the elderly is developed to varying degrees and intensities depending on the country. Some countries have specifically targeted Universities of the Third Age that offer their programs exclusively to adults, while others have open access universities for all generations.
Countries such as France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Sweden have developed third age education programs, which include various courses, seminars, and workshops. These programs often offer diverse fields of study, such as languages, arts, history, technology, and the like. In some countries, there is a grading system and qualification for obtaining diplomas or certificates. The development of these programs is influenced by political priorities, financial support, demographic trends, and the interest of local communities.
In Serbia, the situation with third age education is slowly but surely progressing. There is an increasing interest and support for continuous adult education and offering programs intended for the older population.
While there is progress in developing education for the elderly in Serbia, there are still challenges. These challenges include a lack of financial support, insufficient awareness of the importance of education for older people, and a lack of tailored programs for specific population groups.
Our organization, Creative Station, is dedicated to promoting adult education and Universities of the Third Age. We believe that every individual deserves access to educational resources, regardless of their life stage.
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